Money Smart for Small Business Training August 2 to September 27th, 2022 Tuesdays @ Noon – 1pm

Click to Register for the zoom link 

A Financial Education Program by the FDIC and SBA.   Benefits:

Download participant guide to use each week.  We will not be giving a test during this online class, however the pretest in each booklet will help you assess your knowledge and guide questions you may want to address during the weekly session.  See the materials per week:

Week 1:   Is Owning A Business A Good Fit For You?

Week 2: 0809_SB_Planning_for_a_Healthy_Business_PG

Week 3: 0816_SB_Financial_Management_PG

Week 4:  0823_SB_Managing_Cash_Flow_PG

Cash Flow Worksheet using Wired Cup example – practice changes to improve the cash flow

Week 5:  0830_SB_Building_Credit_PG     Extra Resource: FTC Guide on Credit Repair

Week 6:  Happy Labor Day, we will not meet on 9/6/22.

Week 7: 0913_SB_Insurance_PG  we will continue with the banking discussion as well as addressing insurance/risk management.

Week 8: 0920_SB_Tax_Planning_and_Reporting_PG

Week 9: 0927 SB_Selling_Your_Business_and_Succession_Planning_PG


Please provide feedback on the course with the SBA-Training-Evaluation-Form  upload to Click here  or email: Jennifer Johnston,

If you have any questions, contact us at 903.782.0224

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